Mesh intersection
Mesh A, B
Before intersection
After intersection
Before intersection After intersection
Intersection is a powerful mesh manipulator which facilitates modelling of complex surface geometry. The intersection curves are defined along the points spatially shared by two or more independently created surface meshes. They split each of the surface meshes into parts. All the mesh parts edged with a common intersection curve are inter-connected at the nodes on the curve.
The mesh elements crossing over the intersection curves are removed. And then, the gaps are filled by elements newly generated in align with the intersection curves.
Example of "Aware Sharp Bent" edge
Adjustment of remesh region
Mesh Operation
Mesh A
Mesh B
Mesh A or B
Mesh A and not B
Mesh A and B
Mesh B and not A
Mesh Carving
Source volume
Carving surface & carving mesh (1)
Carving surface & carving mesh (2)
Carving surface & carving mesh (3)

Carving surface & carving mesh (4)

Carved model
Mesh Refinement
Example of subdividing a volume mesh
Conversion of linear elements to quadratic
Conversion of quadratic elements into linear
Meshes can be refined by subdivision or by convertion of linear elements into quadratic ord e r. Reversely, quadratic elements may also be split into linear elements. These operations of mesh refinement are applied to the whole model at once, and cannot be undone.
Automatic mesh generation - 2D
An example of compatible region for automatic triangulation
Generating mesh on a surface primitive
Comparison of meshes generated using different options of part to mesh
Example of mesh generation using surface primitives and their intersection curves
Surface mesh generation by mapping
Example of surface mesh generation between 2 edges
Generating mesh 2 edges compatible
Examples of 2 edge formation compatible for mesh generation
Shifting alignment of node pairing on 2 edges
Example of alignment shifting in looped 2 edges
Generating mesh using 3 edges
Example of surface mesh generation enclosed by 3 edges
Generating mesh using 4 edges
Example of surface mesh generation enclosed by 4 edges
Generating mesh 4 edges compatible
Examples of 4 edge formation compatible for mesh generation
Surface mesh generation by sweeping operations
A 3-D surface mesh generated by extrusion in an out-of-plane direction
Generating mesh by extrusion up to bounding curves
Mesh generated by extrusion up to bounding curves
Generating mesh by translation
Example of mesh generation by translation on plane and in 3-D space
Generating mesh by revolution
Example of mesh generation by revolution in a plane and in 3-D space
Generating mesh by twisting
Example of modeling 3-D surfaces by twisting
Projecting surface meshes
Example of a faulty projection
Volume mesh generation by automatic tetrahedronization
Generating mesh by automatic tetrahedronization
Example of volume mesh generation by automatic tetrahedronization
Volume mesh generation by mapping
Generating mesh using box edges
Example of mesh generation in a box edge region
Generating mesh box edges compatible

Formation of Union Jack on surfaces of a box edge volume mesh

Generating mesh using prism edges

Example of mesh generation in a prism edge region

Generating mesh prism edges compatible

Formation of Union Jack on surfaces of a prism edge mesh

Generating mesh using tetrahedron edges

Example of mesh generation in a tetra edge region

Volume mesh generation by sweeping operations
A volume mesh generated by extrusion in normal direction
Generating mesh by extrusion up to bounding surface primitives

Example of mesh generation by extrusion to a surface primitive

Generating mesh by extrusion up to surface meshes

Example of mesh generation by extrusion to a surface mesh

Generating volume mesh by translation

Example of volume mesh generation by translation

Generating volume mesh by revolution

Example of volume mesh generation by revolution

Duplicating volume meshes
Examples of duplicated volume meshes
Creating frame elements using straight lines or curves
Example of element generation on frame members
Creating frame elements using mesh generation functions
Example of constructing frame model using mesh generation
Duplicating frame elements
Examples of duplicated frame members
Modifying nodal coordinates
Dragging nodes using mouse
Process of dragging a node
Transforming meshes
Moving meshes

Moving meshes by dragging the bounding box

Rotating meshes

Rotating meshes by dragging an edge of the bounding box

Resizing meshes

Resizing meshes by rubber-banding an edge of the bounding box


Example of remeshing

Making crack tip elements

Example of creating crack tip elements

Aerial View
The aerial view window and the image display in the main window
Data assignment
Defining cross sections
Section Properties

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