Finite Element Processing > Getting Finite Element Solution > SProcessing of structural ananalysis


Processing of structural analysis

The simplest method of getting a finite element solution is to use VisualFEA's own processing capability. The finite element solver's capabilities are embedded within VisualFEA. This makes VisualFEA much simpler to use than other finite element p rograms which has separate module for processing, preprocessing and postprocessing. In order to get into the processing stage for solution, choose "Solve" item from menu Then, "Analysis Options" dialog appears on the screen. The contents of the dialog vary depending on the type of solution as will be described below. Set the dialog items as desired and click button. Then, the processing starts, and goes on up to the completion of all the necessary computation including assembling the system equations and solving them.

> Setting analysis options for linear static analysis

Choosing "Solve" item from menu will pop up "Analysis Options" dialog as shown below, if you have set the solution type as linear static.  

The solution type is initially set as linear static, and remains as it is, unless you have checked any one of the check boxes under "Solution Type", i.e., "Material nonlinear", "Geometric nonlinear" and "Dynamic."

The dialog has a few items setting the options related to the finite element solution procedure.


solution stage: The solution stage may be set as one of "Analysis", "Reanalysis" and "Adaptive." If you turn on "Adaptive" radio button, the solution procedure turns into adaptive process. The analysis options for adaptive analysis are described in the next section. So, only "Analysis" and "Reanalysis" options are described in this section. The initial default setting of the solution stage is "Analysis" which leads to the normal procedure of processing based on assembling equations and solving them. Once the system equations are assembled and solved, they may be used for subsequent processing by setting the option as "Reanalysis" The reanalysis option will eliminate most of the computing time for assembling and decomposing the system equations. The reanalysis option is enabled and valid only under the following conditions.


- The system equations should have been solved in the previous session.


- The files containing the system equations should exist in the same directory (folder) as the data file.


- Geometry, element properties, and boundary conditions should not have been altered since the system equation files were created.


- The analysis type is linear static, and not adaptive nor sequential.

  equation solver: You may choose one of two methods of assembling and solving equations: frontal method and skyline method. They are typical and the most widely used methods in finite element analysis solvers. Skyline method uses only CPU memory, while frontal method relies much on auxiliary memory such as a hard disk. Accordingly skyline method demands much larger CPU memory space than frontal method. Skyline method usually works faster than the frontal method which requires frequent reading and writing with the auxiliary memory. The default setting is "Frontal." If your computer is equipped with huge CPU memory, and you want faster solution, choose "Skyline." Otherwise, you should keep the option as "Frontal." In case you chose "Skyline," but the memory space is not sufficient, the software will notify this by the following message box. If you click button of the dialog, the software will automatically switch the solver to "Frontal."
  processing options: You can turn on or off each of the processing options by clicking the check box in front of each item. These settings are applied during the processing stage.

- "Optimize element number" : This item is enabled only when the equation solver is set as "Frontal" If this option is turned on, optimization of element numbering is automatically done prior to assembling the system equations.


- "Optimize node number" : This item is enabled only when the equation solver is set as "Skyline" If this option is turned on, optimization of node numbering is automatically done prior to assembling the system equations.


- "Visualize the process" : If this option is turned on, a graphical rendering of the model is provided along with the status of the element stiffness matrix assembly.


- "Keep the matrix for reanalysis" : The system equation files are created at the start of matrix assemblage and removed at the end of the processing. In order to keep these files for reanalysis, this option should be turned on.


- "Check the available disk space" : If this option is turned on, the available disk space is checked while processing is going on. If the disk space is not sufficient, the processing will pause with the following notice so that you may secure enough space and resume the processing.


- "Use temporary file for safety" : If the processing is abnormally interrupted due to system failure or any other reasons, the data file may be spoiled or lost. In order to avoid such risks, turn on this option. Then, a duplicate of the data file will be created temporarily and used during the processing, and it will replace the original file when the processing is successfully completed. The processing procedure is initiated when you click button of the dialog, after setting all the appropriate items.

> Setting analysis options for adaptive analysis

If you click "Adaptive analysis" radio button of "Analysis Options" dialog, the dialog expands with additional items as shown below. The upper part of the dialog has the original items, and the bottom half includes new items as follows:


termination criterion: The adaptive iteration continues until one of the conditions set for its termination is satisfied. These conditions are termed here as the termination criterion. You may validate or invalidate each one of the following termination criteria by checking or unchecking the boxes in front of them. If the box is checked, the corresponding criterion is applied.


- number of iteration cycles: The number of iteration cycles can be restricted by checking this item, and setting the number. Iteration terminates when the number of cycles reaches the number.


- energy norm error: Iteration terminates when maximum energy norm error over the whole solution domain gets smaller than the criterion set as the limiting energy norm error. If both of the termination criteria are checked, iteration terminates when any one of them is fulfilled.


  handling of intermediate models: It is the option determining how to treat the model data created at the intermediate stages of iterations.


- "Keep all the intermediate models": If this radio button is turned on, the modeling data and analysis results obtained during the intermediate cycles of adaptive iteration are saved, and can be retrieved for later use.


- "Keep the original and the final models": If this radio button is turned on, the intermediate modeling and analysis data are discarded, and only the original and the final data are saved.


  visualization of adaptive process: It is the option related with visualizing the model and/or energy norm error while the adaptive iteration process is going on.


- "Display updated mesh": If this radio button is turned on, the meshes generated at each step of adaptive iterations are plotted.


- "Display energy norm error": If this radio button is turned on, the energ y norm error distribution is displayed by contour at each step of adaptive iterations. (This option may not work for the current version of VisualFEA.)

> Setting analysis options for dynamic analysis

Choosing "Solve" item from menu will popup "Dynamic Analysis Options" dialog as shown below, if you have set the solution type as dynamic. The solution type can be set by using the "Project Setup" dialog.


solution method : This option determines how to get the dynamic analysis results. VisualFEA supports 3 methods of performing dynamic analysis.


- direct integration: No transformation is applied for integration in time. The nodal displacements are obtained directly at each time step.ble solution.


- mode superposition: Time integration is operated on the participation factors of dynamic modes. Thus, the dynamic modes are extracted first through eigenvalue analysis, and the system equations are formed in terms of participation factors of these dynamic modes. The nodal displacements are obtained by superposing the dynamic modes at each time step.


- modal analysis: Only dynamic modes are extracted, No time integration is performed. Other analysis results including nodal displacements are not computed.


  integration method : This applies to the integration in time for both the direct integration method and the mode superposition method.


- "Central difference (explicit)": A explicit integration method, in which the stiffness matrix is not decomposed. The mass matrix is decomposed only when consistent mass matrix is used. The solution may diverge if the time step is larger than the critical value.


- "Newmark": An implicit method with linear acceleration controlled by parameters a and d, which can be set by the user.


- "Wilson Theta": An implicit method with linear acceleration controlled by an input parameter q, which can be set by the user.


  mass matrix : There are following two options in computing the element mass matrix.


- "Lumped": The mass matrix is computed by assuming that element mass is concentrated at nodal points.


- "Consistent": The mass matrix is computed by interpolation consistent with that used for the stiffness matrix.


  number of dynamic modes : To specify the number of dynamic modes used for mode superposition. This item is valid only when the solution method is set as mode superposition.


  number of time steps : The number of steps included for time history analysis. The total duration of the analysis is determined by the number of steps and the step size which is the next input item.


  time step size : The length of time from one step to the next. Equal step size is assumed for the whole duration of the analysis.


  Rayleigh damping : If this item is checked, Rayleigh damping is assumed,


which is the form of . And the following 2 sub-items pop up.


- "Stiffness damping ratio": This is the stiffness damping coefficient b of the above equation.


- "Mass damping ratio": This is the mass damping coefficient a of the above equation.


  mode equivalent Rayleigh damping : If this item is checked, Rayleigh damping is assumed, but is re p resented by 2 modal damping ratios which appear as additional input items.


- "Mode 1 damping ratio":


- "Mode 2 damping ratio":

  There is a following relationship between the Rayleigh damping coefficients( and ) and the modal damping ratios ( and ).

  modal damping : One method of assigning damping characteristic is to assume an individual damping ratio for each dynamic mode. It is termed here as modal damping. However, information on dynamic modes is not available prior to completing the modal analysis. Thus, the damping ratio are specified as a function of modal frequency.


If you click this item, there appears button which is used to launch "Modal Damping Ratio" dialog. A table of modal frequencies and paired damping ratio can be specified using this dialog. The damping ratio for a given frequency is estimated by interpolating the values given in this table.


  Acceleration parameters : parameter(s) for linear acceleration of time integration. There are different parameters depending on the method of time integration. The input items change as the method of integration changes.


- central difference method: no input parameters for this method of integration.


- Newmark: There are 2 parameters a and d. The default values, a=0.25 and d=0.5 are used for unconditionally stable solution.


- Wilson ¥è: There is a parameter q. The default value is q=1.4. The value of should be 1.37 or greater for unconditionally stable solution.

> Setting analysis options for nonlinear analysis

Choosing "Solve" item from menu will pop up "Nonlinear Analysis Options" dialog as shown below, if you have set the solution type as material nonlinear, or geometric nonlinear. The solution type can be set by using the "Project Setup" dialog.


number of load incremental steps : It is the number of steps for solution of a nonlinear problem by incremental method. If this value is 1, a simple iterative solution is applied. Otherwise, the total load is divided into as many segments as this number, and applied incrementally through the nonlinear solution process.


  number of iterations within a step : The maximum limit in the number of iterations within an incremental step for solution of nonlinear equation. If this value is 1, simple incremental procedure is applied.


  error tolerance for convergence : This convergence criterion applies to the iterative procedure within an incremental step. The iteration is terminated if either the percentage of the residual force falls below this level, or the number of iterations reaches the maximum limit.


< Number of load increments and number of iterations >


options for stiffness matrix update: There are following 3 options of updating stiffness matrix throughout the incremental and iterative process.


- "Constant stiffness matrix (no update)": If this button is turned on, the stiffness matrix is not updated throughout the whole incremental and iterative process. Thus, the stiffness matrix is computed only once and no additional time is required for its update. However, this option leads to large number of iterations as shown in the figure below.


- "Update each step of load increment": If this button is turned on, the stiffness matrix is updated only for the first iteration of each load increment. The stiffness matrix remains constant for all iterations within a load incremental step.


- "Update each iteration within a step": If this button is turned on, the stiffness matrix is updated for every iteration throughout the whole process. This option takes more time for updating stiffness matrix, but requires smaller number of iterations.


< Schemes of stiffness matrix update >


other nonlinear option:

    - "Specify division of incremental steps" : This item is not checked by default, and the sizes of all load increments are equal. If you check this item, the following "Load Incremental Steps" dialog pops up. Initially the editable text boxes are filled with uniformly divided incremental portions of the load. These incremental proportions can be modified by editing the text. boxes
    - "Keep results of intermediate steps" : If this item is checked, the solution data obtained at every incremental step is saved, and can be retrieved for later use.

> Setting analysis options for sequentially staged modeling

As for linear analysis, the same dialog is used for both non-staged and staged modeling. In the case of nonlinear analysis, dialog for sequentially staged modeling has a few more items than the dialog for non-stage modeling. They are related to incremental and iterative solution scheme for each stage. In order to apply constant number of incremental steps and iterations, turn on "Constant step iteration" radio button in the dialog and then insert the number of incremental steps and iterations in the editable text box. In order to differentiate the incremental and iterative scheme from stage to stage, turn on "Variable step iteration" ratio button. And click button. Then, "Solution Step Iteration Scheme" dialog appears. You may set the number of load steps and the number of iterations using this dialog. The dialog displays as many rows as the number of stages. At the beginning , each row is assigned with equal number of incremental steps and equal number of iterations. Set new values by editing the existing ones, and click button to complete the setting.