Finite Element Processing > Other Functions Related with the Processing > Specifying integration scheme


Specifying integration scheme

In order to change the integration scheme, select "Integration Scheme..." item from menu. Then "Integration Scheme" dialog box appears as shown below. Select the element shape (and order) from the popup menu of the dialog.

Then, alternative integration schemes for the element shape are displayed as radio button items. The radio button corresponding to the current setting is marked. The integration scheme can be changed simply by turning on the radio button of the desired scheme. After changing the schemes of the relevant element shapes, click button. The integration scheme of each element shape is applied in computing the element stiffness matrix of the respective element shape. VisualFEA uses numerical integration(Gauss quadrature) in evaluating the stiffness matrix. The computing time, accuracy and stability of the system equations depend greatly on the integration scheme. There are default schemes p reset for various element shapes as shown in the following table. These integration schemes can be altered if desired.

<Integration scheme>