Postprocessing of Continuum Analysis > Visualizing Scalar Data by Contours


Visualizing Scalar Data by Contours

Contouring data is the most frequently used method of visualizing finite element analysis results. This method is appropriate for visualizing the distribution of scalar data, such as stress, strain or temperature, on planes or surfaces. Each contour represents a continuous curve on which the value of the scalar data is uniform. Thus, gradual variation of data on the planes or surfaces is scaled by a number of contours. In order to improve the visual effect, VisualFEA renders colored contour bands instead of contour lines. The entire span of the scalar value is divided into a number of sub-spans. Each sub-span is re p resented by a contour band. The numerical values re p resented by border lines of contour bands are indicated in the contour scale bar which appears together with a contour image.

One weakness of contouring is its incapability of visualizing the data distribution inside of 3 dimensional volume. Auxiliary planes like cut plane, cross planes and parallel planes are used as volume visualization aids to make up for this limitation.

< Contour image >