Visualizing Scalar Data by Contours
Contour image
Setting contouring options
Designating the contouring object
Various contouring objects
Setting the number of contour bands
Comparison of number of contour bands
Selecting the contouring method
Styles of boundary surface rendering
Turning the shading effect on or off
Limiting the range of the contour scale
Setting parallel planes for contouring
Setting the parallel plane and contouring on the plane
Contouring on cross planes
Visualizing scalar data using iso-surfaces
Comparison of contour and iso-surface images
Selecting the data item to be represented by iso-surfaces
Iso-surface image with contour
Setting the number of iso-surfaces
Boundary surface rendering with iso-surfaces
Designating the iso-surfaces as the boundary of a truncated model
Model truncated by iso-surfaces
Limiting the range of iso-surface scale by actually displayed values
Scale bar for iso-surfaces
Setting the contour scale
Scale bar for contours on iso-surfaces
Curve plotting of scalar data
Curve plotting
Surface plotting of scalar data
Curve plotting
Setting the scale of height
Comparison of surface plotting with various height scale and datum
Visualizing vector data by arrows
Selecting the style of surface or boundary surface rendering
Type of arrow and boundary surface rendering
Setting the thickness of arrows
Displaying selectively sampled arrows
Overlaying vector images
Visualizing displacements by deformed shape and animation
Deformed shape of a planar structural model
Stepwise rendering of sequentially staged analysis results
Multi-step view of sequentially stage analysis results
Visualization of scalar and vector data
Vector representation of flow velocity and directions
Visualization of phreatic surface
Comparison of options for rendering of phreatic surface
Rendering of the phreatic surface in 3-D seepage analysis
Rendering of phreatic surface in 3-D seepage analysis
Visualization of flow path

Drawing flow path by clicking a point within the model

Dragging the flow path
Displaying multiple flow paths
Displaying multiple flow paths
Overlaid display of flow paths 

Overlaid display of flow paths

Visualization of flow discharge
Getting flow discharge in a 3-D seepage model

Setting cross section by selecting surface meshes

Sequentially staged Analysis
Tunnel 2D
2D Mesh
Sequentially staged Analysis (2D)
Tunnel 3D
Sequentially staged Analysis (3D)
Dynamic Analysis
Responses of bridege
Deformed Shape (Animation)
Dynamic Responce (Animation)

Normal Stress X (Animation)

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