Basic usre interface
Grid 3-D cursor system
Overall procedure of linear analysis
Creation and modification curves
Dynamic analysis (frame)
Creation and modification of primitive surfaces
Dynamic analysis (with forced motion)
View transformation and control
Nonlinear analysis
Aerial view
Methods of model rendering
Frame analysis
Data assignment
Truss analysis
Interactive real time analysis
Mesh generation
3-D frame analysis
Automatic mesh generation on planes
Automatic mesh generation on surface primitives
Extended analysis
Automatic mesh generation in 3-D volume
Modeling with multiple loading cases
2-D and 3-D structured mesh generation
Modeling reinforcement by embedded bars
Unconfined seepage analysis
Sequentially staged analysis
Contouring and model slicing
Contouring on parallel planes and others
Heat and seepage
Rendering and animation of deformed shape
2D heat-structure coupled analysis
Representation of vector data
3D heat-structure coupled analysis
2D seepage-structure coupled analysis
Slope stablity analysis
CBT (Computer based trainning of FEM)
Computation of element stiffness (frame)
Shape function(c1)
Computation of element stiffness (continnum)
Eigen value and displacement modes
Concept of global equation assembly
Eigen value and zero energy modes
Method of assembly and solution
Visualized eigen modes a 3D solid
Matrix decomposition and back substitution
Stress recovery and smoothing
Shape function(c0)
Concept of adaptive mesh generation
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