Visual Instruction of Shape Function and Interpolation


Understanding the characteristics of a shape function

In general, the shape function of an element is determined by the shape, the order (or number of nodes), and the analysis type (plane stress, plate bending, etc.) of the element. Conergene of the finite element solution is closely related to the characteristics of the shape function employed in the element modeling. This educational function of VisualFEA/CBT is useful for visual instruction and understanding of various shape functions and their characteristics. Especially, their behaviors can be studied in conjunction with the convergence requirements of a finite element solution.

Comparing shape functions of different element shape and order

VisualFEA/CBT can display the shape function of the following elements only.


- 3 node triangle


- 6 node triangle


- 4 node quadrilateral


- 8 node quadrilateral

In order to facilitate comparison between shape functions of the above elements, it is desirable to create a simple model which includes all of those elements as exemplified below. Such a simple finite element model is also useful for examining the continuity of shape function which is described in the later part of this section.

< A simple finite element model created for comparison of shape functions >

The shape functions may be compared for each individual element or for a group of adjacent elements. The interpolation model for a group of adjacent elements may be formed either with elements of identical shape and order, or with a mixture of elements with different shapes and orders.

<Comparison of shape functions for different element shapes and orders>

Understanding the behavior of the shape function gradients

This educational function helps in explaining or understanding the behavior of the shape function gradients (or derivatives), from which strains or heat fluxes are computed. In plane stress and strain cases, for example, we can easily associate the shape function derivatives with the strains, as represented by the expression,

where | ex ey gxy | and | u1 v1 ¡€ ¡€ ¡€ un vn | represent strain vector and nodal displacement vector respectively.

  Constant strain triangle (CST): In structural mechanics, a 3 node triangle element is also called ¡°Constant strain triangle¡± element. So, the strains are niform if the derivatives of the shape functions are uniform within an element. The derivatives of shape functions are displayed to identify that they are uniform over a CST element, whatever values are assigned to the nodes.

< A shape function and its derivates for CST element >

  Linear strain triangle(LST): 6 node triangle element is called "Linear strain triangle" element, if sides are straight and side nodes are centered. Each derivative of the interpolated value, and accordingly each strain component, has linear variation with respect to x and y within an LST element, whatever values are assigned to the nodes. Thus, the shape function derivatives are displayed as skewed planes, while the 2nd derivatives of the shape functions are displayed as horizontal planes over the element as shown below.

< A shape function, its derivates and second derivates for LST element >

  4 node quadrilateral: 4 node quadrilateral element has bilinear shape functions. As indicated by the interpolation model shown in the figure below, the strains are not uniform over an element, but have linear variation in natural coordinates sandt directions. If the shape of the element is a rectangle with edges parallel to X or Y coordinates axis, the derivatives of the interpolated value with respect to X and Y have linear variation in X and Y directions respectively as shown in the figure below. The second derivatives with respect to X and Y are zero. The cross derivative is constant over the element.

< A shape function, its derivates and its derivates for 4 node quadrilateral element >

  8 node quadrilateral: 8 node quadrilateral element has bi-quadratic shape functions. As indicated by the interpolation model shown in the figure below, derivatives of the interpolated values have higher order than those of 6 node triangular element. Only in case the shape of the element is a rectangle with edges parallel to X or Y coordinates axis, the second derivatives with respect to X and Y have linear variation in X and Y directions respectively. But the shape is not a rectangle, they do not show linear variation.

< A shape function, its derivatives and second derivatives for 8 node quadrilateral element >

Examining the geometry of an isoparametric element

In an isoparametric element, geometry is defined by the same shape functions as those for interpolating the behavior of the element. That is,

where the index i is for each node within the element, and the Ni a re the same shape functions as used to interpolate the field quantity D. As expressed by the equation, the coordinate x of an arbitrary point within the element is defined by interpolating the nodal coordinates xi. Therefore, an edge of a quadratic element, for example, is defined by a quadratic curve. The example shown in the figure below can be made by the following steps:


1) Click an 8 node quadrilateral element to form the interpolation model.

    The element appears on ¡°Shape Function¡± window.

2) Click the node selection tool .


Node selection mode is activated.


3) Double click one of the nodes within the element.


¡°Node Info¡± dialog appears on the screen, so that the nodal coordinates can be modified either by imputing the coordinates in the dialog or by dragging the node.


4) Drag the node.

    The shape of the element on ¡°Shape Function¡± window as well as on the main window changes while the node is being dragged.

The isopaametrc interpolation of the geometry can be identified by the curved shape of the wireframe model on ¡°Shape Function¡± window. It is the geometry of the element actually used in finite element modeling. By moving the node in Z direction using key board input in ¡°Node Info¡± dialog, the element shape can be made the same as obtained from the interpolation of the nodal value.

< A Shape function and its derivates for 4 node quadrilateral element>

Examining C0 continuity of the interpolation model

Continuity of the shape function within an element or across element boundaries is one of the required element properties for proper convergence of finite element solution. Continuity of the shape function or interpolated value itself is called C0 contuity. For plane stress/strain, axisymmetric, and 3-D solid modeling, this continuity is the one necessary and sufficient for convergence.

C0 continuity across the element boundaries can be examined by forming an interpolation model with a few adjacent elements and displaying the interpolated value. The figure below shows examples of inter-element continuity of isoparametric shape functions plane stress/strain and axisymmetric modeling.

This example shows 3 different cases as follows:

  Continuity between quadratic elements: An interpolation model is formed with a few 6 node triangle and 8 node quadrilateral elements. The continuity of the interpolated value is preserved across the element boundaries. However, the 1st derivatives are not continuous at the boundary. Thus, the interpolation model is C0 continuous.
  Continuity between linear elements: An interpolation model is formed with a few 3 node triangle and 4 node quadrilateral elements. The interpolation model is C0 continuous as is the above case of quadratic elements.
  Continuity between elements with different orders: An interpolation model is formed with two 4 node quadrilateral and a 8 node quadrilateral element. The interpolation model is not continuous at the boundary between 4 node and 8 node elements. Thus, C0 continuity is not fulfilled in this case.

< Example of interpolation model for plane elasticity >

Examining C1 continuity of the interpolation model

Continuity in the first derivatives of the shape function or interpolated value is called C1 continuity. Some finite elements, such as thin plate or shell elements, are enforced with C1 contiuiy, and thus called C1 elements. Hermite polynomials can be used for interpolation of C1 elements. Hermite interpolation for a 4 node rectangle element is expressed by the equation

where Ni0, Nix, Niy and Nixy a re the interpolation functions formed by Hermite polynomials. The cross derivative ¢Ò D / ¢Òx¢Òy is not used as a nodal d.o.f. in the current version of VisualFEA/CBT. Accordingly, it is assumed that values of is zero at all nodes.

The following steps should be taken to examine C1 continuity.

  1) Define problem type as ¡°Plate bending¡±.
    Choose ¡°New¡± or ¡°Problem Setup...¡± item from menu. Then, ¡°Problem Setup¡± dialog appears. Click ¡°Plate bending¡± radio button.

2) Create a number of 4 node rectangular plate bending elements.


Define 4 straight lines in rectangle form, divide them properly, and generate mesh based on these curves. It is good to use ¡°4 Edges¡± scheme.


3) Assign element properties to the model.


The type of element is completely defined by assigning the element property.


4) Choose ¡°Shape Function¡± item from ¡°Stiffness¡± submenu of menu.


¡°Shape Function¡± window appears on the screen, and ¡°Interpolate¡± menu is attached to the menu bar.


5) Form an interpolation model with two or more adjacent elements.


Select two or more adjacent elements using rubber-band rectangle, or option click. The selected elements appear on ¡°Shape Function¡± window.

  6) Transform the view of the interpolation model.

Rotate, zoom and pan the view of the interpolation model in ¡°Shape Function¡± window so that the model can be viewed properly.


7) Assign the nodal values to the interpolation model.


Not only the nodal values but also their 1st derivatives are interpolated for C1 elements. Therefore, the nodal values and their derivatives should be assigned to the interpolation model. The nodal values can be assigned by dragging the nodes as in case of C0 element. Their derivatives ¢ÒD/ ¢Ò xand ¢ÒD/ ¢Ò y can be assigned using handles attached on each node.

< Assigning nodal value and derivatives to C1 elements >

For the above deformation state, the interpolated values and their derivatives displayed as shown in the figure below, by choosing the corresponding menu items from menu. The continuity of the interpolation model is clearly illustrated in the figure. The interpolated value itself is continuous across the element boundary. The first derivatives ¢ÒD / ¢Òx and ¢ÒD / ¢Òy, and the cross derivative ¢Ò2 D / ¢Òx ¢Òy are also continuous at the element boundary. But, the second derivative w.r.t. X ¢Ò2D / ¢Òx2 is not continuous. Although the second derivative w.r.t. Y ¢Ò2D / ¢Ò y2 is appears to be continuous , this is not the general case. It is continuous for this model only because the boundary is parallel to Y axis.

Otherwise, it is not continuous at the boundary either. It is explained in this example that the interpolation model with Hermite polynomials is C1 continuous. However, it should be noted that the C0 continuity is guaranteed only for rectangular elements. The continuity of ¢ÒD / ¢Òx, ¢ÒD /¢Òy and ¢Ò2D / ¢Òx¢Òy may or may not be preserved for 4-node quadrilaterals other than rectangle, depending on the orientation of the element and the continuity of its edge direction across an adjacent element. It is worth while to examine the continuity of interpolation model under various combination of adjacent elements.

< Continuity of Hermite interpolation model >