Curves and Surface Primitives > Creating Curves and Surface Primitives > Creating cylinders, cones or truncated cones


Creating cylinders, cones or truncated cones

Press the cylinder tool button in order to create cylinders, cones or truncated cones, which are treated as the same kind of primitive surfaces in VisualFEA. These primitive surfaces are defined by two end points which form an axis, and two radii. A cylinder is created when the two radii are the same. As shown in the f i g u res below, a truncated cone is made when the two radii are diff e rent, and a cone is obtained when one of them is zero. The two radii are entered using the "Cylinder" dialog. The texts entered for "Radius 1" and "Radius 2" define the radii at both ends of the surfaces. The texts can be entered before, after or during inputting the end points.

Modification mode is automatically activated right after a sphere is created. And, its center and the second point can be modified consecutively in the same way as explained for "Sphere by radius"

< Inputting a cylinder, a cone or a truncated cone >

The surface is represented by outlines. Only the visible part of the outlines is displayed so that the screen drawing is simplified. The visible part changes depending on the view direction as shown below.

< Different display of a truncated cone depending on the view direction >