Data Interface with External Softwares > Overview of File Contents > Input data for external solver


Input data for external solver

If a finite element model created by VisualFEA is to be analyzed by an external solver, the modeling data should be passed to the solver as input data. The following items are the data necessary for finite element processing. 


Node data including nodal coordinates

  Element data including element node connectivities
  Structural boundary conditions for structural analysis
  Element properties such as material properties or section properties
  Temperature distribution, its gradient for structural analysis
  State of frame member joints for frame analysis
  Equivalent nodal forces evaluated from load conditions
  Equivalent nodal heats evaluated from heat conditions
  Number of integration points applied for each element shape and order
  Options to be applied for processing

Before reading the above items, the external solver should read the following data items: 


Modeling data master record

  Modeling data position record

The modeling data master record consists of information on the property of the file, and the modeling data position record has the relative positions of the above items within the VisualFEA file.