Basic User Interface > Grid and 3-D Cursor > User Defined Grid


User defined grid

The system defined XYZ grid plane consists of three planes, i.e., XY, YZ and ZX planes which are respectively normal to Z, X and Y axes. User can define grid planes other than these ones. Their origin and their normal direction may be set arbitrarily as desired. It is very convenient, in some cases, to use these user defined grid planes for inputting curves or primitive surfaces. The user can register as many grid planes as necessary, and retrieve one of them for later use at any time.

> Constructing user defined grid planes

A user defined grid plane can be constructed by the following steps:


1) Select "Define Planes" item from menu.

  "Construct Plane" dialog appears on the screen, and "Plane" text item is filled with the name of the new plane to be constructed.
  This name is automatically endowed by VisualFEA, and can be modified as explained in "Renaming grid planes."

2) Enter 3 points which lie on the plane.

  The first point is the origin of the plane, and the second one together with the first one forms the u axis of the plane. The plane is determined by the third point so that all the 3 points lie on the plane. Another axis of the plane, i.e., v axis begins at the first point and is directed normal to the v axis. The 3 points can be entered by either mouse or keyboard. When all the 3 points are entered, button is enabled.

3) Click button of the dialog.


The new grid plane is created and displayed on the screen. button is disabled, and and buttons are enabled.

< "Construct Plane" dialog in each step of defining grid planes >


4) Close the "Construct Plane" dialog in order to end constructing grid planes and start entering coordinates using the grid planes. Or, click button, and repeat step 2) and 3) to add more grid planes.

  If you click button, "Plane" text item is filled with a new plane number, and is ready for constructing a new grid plane again.

< Construction of user defined grid planes >

> Retrieving user defined grid planes

The user defined grid planes as well as XYZ grid plane can be retrieved at any time for use in entering coordinates data. When a grid plane is constructed and re gistered, the name of the plane is added to the items of submenu. The grid plane is retrieved by selecting the name from the submenu. The retrieved grid plane is displayed on the screen and effective for future entering of coordinates data. The name of the currently effective grid plane is. marked in the submenu.

The user defined grid planes are saved together with the VisualFEA data file, and so can be used when the file is opened in later sessions.

> Retrieving XYZ grid planes

The system defined XYZ grid plane can also be retrieved by selecting "Grid XYZ" item which is always on the top of the submenu.

> Deleting grid planes

User defined grid planes can be deleted by the following steps.


1) Select "Define Planes" item from menu.


"Construct Plane" dialog appears on the screen, and "Plane" text item is filled with the name of the new plane to be constructed.

  2) Scroll the effective plane using button until the name of the desired plane appears in the "Plane" text box. The plane displayed on the screen is effective.
  3) Click button. Then, the effective plane is deleted.

When the deleted plane disappears on the screen, and the effective plane scrolls forward to the next, or scrolls back if next one does not exist.

> Renaming grid planes

The name of a user defined grid plane is automatically endowed by VisualFEA in the form of "1", "2", "3" and so on. This can be changed to other name, usually for better identification. Renaming is achieved simply by editing "Plane" text box of " Construct Plane" dialog, while the plane is being created. But, you may sometimes want to change the name later. In this case, follow the steps described below.


1) Select "Define Planes" item from menu.


"Construct Plane" dialog appears on the screen, and "Plane" text item is filled with the name of the new plane to be constructed.


2) Scroll the effective plane using button until the name of the desired plane appears in the "Plane" text box.


The plane displayed on the screen is effective.


3) Click "Plane" text box,or select the string of the name.

  4) Change the string of the name.
  As you change the name, the string of the submenu item is also altered accordingly.

< Renaming grid planes >