Basic User Interface > Model Rendering > Setting projection mode


Setting projection mode

The projection mode is the method of projecting the model to the screen, and concerned with how the model is to be rendered. The following projection modes are available in VisualFEA. 

  perspective mode

  stereo mode


  depth cued mode

Choose corresponding item from menu to change the projection mode. The screen image of the model is immediately updated using the new mode. The mode remains effective for future model projection until you change the style again.

> Perspective mode

VisualFEA supports parallel and perspective modes. The default setting is parallel mode. Select "Perspective" item from menu to switch the projection mode. The grid as well as the model is represented using the current projection mode. The projection mode is applied also to the data input and object selection.

> Stereo mode (not available in Windows version)

Stereo mode is used for stereoscopic view of the model. The two separate images, one in blue and the other in red, are overlaid on the screen, and make a stereoscopic image when viewed using red and blue glasses.

> Depth cued mode

This mode is used to enhance the 3-dimensional visibility. The objects near in front side are displayed in darker color, and those far in back are displayed in lighter color.