Curves and Surface Primitives > Handling Curves and Surface Primitives > Duplicating curves and surface primitives


Duplicating curves and surface primitives

It is sometimes convenient to create objects by duplicating the selected objects. The final position or orientation of the duplicated objects may be set by moving, revolving or mirroring. The nodes on divided curves are automatically duplicated together with their mother curves.

> Duplicating curves and surface primitives, and moving

You may make as many duplicates of the selected curves or surface primitives as you want, and position them with specified offset distance by the following procedures.

  1) Choose "Move" from submenu.
  One of the selection tools is activated if not currently, and "Dup and Move"| dialog box appears.
  2) Set the offset distances in x, y, z directions.
  The duplicates are spread in parallel with the specified offset distances. If all the offset distances are set to 0, no duplication will be done.
  3) Set the number of duplicates to make.
  The number of duplications is set by entering in this text box. The number should be greater than or equal to one.
  4) Select the curves or surface primitives to duplicate.
  Click the selection tool corresponding to the type of objects to duplicates, and select the objects. The initially dimmed button is enabled when one or more objects are selected.
  5) Click button.
  Duplication is fulfilled, and duplicates of the selected objects are created.

<Duplicating the selected curves and moving >

> Duplicating curves and surface primitives, and revolving

You may set the position and the orientation of the duplicates by revolving them about a specified axis by the following procedures.

  1) Choose "Revolve" from submenu.
  One of the selection tools is activated if not currently, and "Dup and Revolve" dialog box appears.
  2) Select the method of setting the axis of revolution.
  The axis of revolution for duplication may be set by one of the following 3 methods.
      Input : input the axis of revolution by entering a new straight line just as creating a new line.
      Select : select an existing straight line.
      Last : apply the axis of revolution which was applied in the last duplication. The "Last" button is enabled only when "Duplicate and Revolve" is processed at least once.
  3) Set the offset angle of revolution for duplication.
  Each set of the duplicates are revolved with the specified angle. This value may be either positive or negative.
  4) Set the number of duplicates to make.
  The number of duplications is set by entering in this text box. The number should be greater than or equal to one.
  5) Select the curves or surface primitives to duplicate.
  Click the selection tool corresponding to the type of objects to duplicates, and select the objects. The initially dimmed button is enabled when one or more objects are selected.
  6) Click button.
  The selected objects are set for duplication. The text of the button is changed ino . If "Axis Setting" is set to "Last" the button is enabled. Otherwise, it is disabled.
  7) Input or select the axis of revolution.
  Input or select the axis of revolution depending on the "Axis Setting." Then, button is enabled. If "Last" button is on, skip this step.
  8) Click button.
  The duplication is processed, and the specified number of duplicates are created. The text of the button is changed into which indicates it is ready again for another duplication process.

When a duplication process is completed, button is also enabled. The orientation of revolution can be reversed by clicking button.

< Duplicating a surface primitive and revolving >

> Mirroring curves and surface primitives

Duplicate of selected objects can be created by mirroring them.

  1) Choose "Mirror" from submenu.
  One of the selection tools is activated if not currently, and "Dup and Mirror" dialog box appears.
  2) Select the method of setting the mirror.
  The mirror plane for duplication may be set by one of the following 3 methods.
      Input : input the mirror plane by entering a new straight line just as creating a new line.
      Select : select an existing straight line.
      Last : apply the mirror plane which was applied in the last duplication.
    The "Last" button is enabled only when "Duplicate and Mirror" is processed at least once.
  3) Select the plane normal to the mirror One of xy, yz and zx coordinate planes should be selected. The mirror plane is determined by this plane and the line as described in step 6). The mirror is normal to this plane and contains the line.
  4) Select the curves or surface primitives to duplicate.
  Click the selection tool corresponding to the type of objects to duplicates, and select the objects. The initially dimmed button is enabled when one or more objects are selected.
  5) Click button.
  The selected objects are set for duplication. The text of the button is changed into . If "Mirror Setting" is set to "Last" the button is enabled. Otherwise, it is disabled.
  6) Input or select a straight line, which defines the mirror plane normal to the plane selected in step 3).
  Input or select a straight line depending on the "Mirror Setting." The mirror plane is defined so that the line is on the plane. Then, button is enabled. If "Last" button is on, skip this step.
  7) Click button.
  The duplication is processed, and the text of the button is changed into which indicates it is ready again for another duplication process.

< Mirroring a curve >

> Modifying a curve or a primitive with its duplicate

Instead of modifying the selected curve or a primitive, you may modify its duplicate. Press option key and follow the steps described in "Moving contro l points by mouse. " A duplicate of the curve or primitive is created prior to modification process. The original curve or primitive is intact, and its duplicate is modified.

< Modifying a curve or its duplicate >

> Modifying attributes of a primitive surface

There are a few kinds of surface primitives whose attributes may be modified. Namely, they are spheres, cylinders (including cones and truncated cones) and tori. If you click a surface primitive of these types under modification mode, a dialog box appears on the screen. The dialog box has editable text item(s) for editing attributes. The shape of the surface primitive is immediately modified by editing these text items.