Mesh Generation > Surface Mesh Generation > Duplicating surface meshes


Duplicating surface meshes

New surface meshes may be created by duplicating existing meshes. The position and orientation of the duplicated meshes are determined by moving, revolving or mirroring coordinates of original meshes with specified offsets. The curves belonging to the surface mesh are automatically duplicated, and annexed to the host surface mesh.

The procedure of duplicating surface meshes is the same as that of duplicating curves. In order to start duplicating surface meshes, click surface selection tool if it is not in action. Then, select one of the submenu items for duplications: "Move", "Revolve" or "Mirror" Further details of duplication procedure are explained in Chapter 3, and are not repeated here. There is no limit in the number of duplicates which can be made at once. You can specify the number of duplications using the dialog box for the corresponding duplication method. The following figure shows examples of multiplying surface meshes by duplicating existing ones with moving, revolving or mirroring.

< Examples of duplicated surface meshes >