Data Assignment > Sequentially Staged Modeling > Concept of sequentially staged modeling


Creating stage models

Sequentially staged modeling is initiated by choosing "Sequential Stage" button from menu. Stage 1 exists at the beginning of staged modeling. Stage 1 initially includes all the objects created so far, and the current assignment of properties, boundary conditions and load conditions.

> Creating a new stage

A new stage is added to the staged model by clicking button. If the current stage is the last one, the new stage is attached to the last. If the current stage is not the last one, the new stage is inserted between the current and the next stage. Accordingly, the next and the following stages are reassigned with subsequent numbers. The new stage model initially inherits the geometry and the attributes from the current stage which is now stated as previous stage. The newly created stage takes the status of current stage.

> Deleting a stage

The current stage is deleted by clicking button. If the current stage is the last one, the previous stage takes the status of current stage. Otherwise, the next stage takes the status of current stage, and the subsequent stages are renumbered Accordingly. There should be at least one stage, and therefore the current stage cannot be deleted if there is only one stage.

> Moving to the desired stage

You can move to the desired stage either by using the stage number popup menu(Windows: dropdown list), or by using the scroll buttons. The current stage number appears as the popup text. The current stage can also be identified by the label displayed in the label text box. the contents of the main window, i,e., geometry, properties, boundary conditions and load conditions are displayed on the basis of the current stage.