Basic User Interface > Viewing Control > Saving, importing and exporting views


Saving, importing and exporting views

The view data stored in the file of current project can be updated to the view displayed on the screen, without saving the whole content of the file. The view data can also be exported to a separate file, i.e., a view file. And, it is also possible to import view data of view files or other project files into the current project. The view data for importing and exporting include following items:

  Current viewing transformation : rotation, zoom, pan
  Custom views
  Grid settings : grid scale, grid pixel and grid origin
  User-defined grid planes

When view data is imported, the current view data are replaced by the imported data, and accordingly, the display on the window is transformed.

> Updating view data in the working file

When a project file is opened, the view data are read, and applied in displaying the model. After one or more view transformations including zooming, panning and view rotation, the screen view is no longer the same as the view stored in the file. In order to make the view data in the file identical to the screen view, select "Save Updated View" item from menu. Only the view data is updated in the project file, and other data remain intact.

> Exporting views

In order to export the view data, select "Export view" item from menu. A standard "Save As" dialog appears and allows you to provide a name for the view file and to choose where it will be saved. The name is initially designated as "untitled.vie" Edit the text of the file name if necessary, and click "Save" button. Then, a new view file is created, and view data are stored in the file.

> Importing views

In order to import the view data, select "Import view" item from menu. A standard file dialog appears and allows you to browse through the file system and to select the file with the view data you want to import. You may select either a view file or a project file. In case of a project file, only the view data are read into the current project. The screen view is updated immediately, but the project file will not be affected until the file is saved using "Save" command in menu, or the view data is saved using "Save Updated View" command of menu.