Basic User Interface > Viewing Control > Object numbers


Object numbers

Various objects are numbered among those of the same kind. The numbers assigned to objects can be displayed or changed. Automatic renumbering of nodes

and elements are also possible.

> Displaying numbers

Object numbers can be displayed one by one or in group by the following steps.

1) Press an object selection tool.

Click to show node number, to show element number, to show curve number, to show surface primitive number, to show surface mesh number , and to show volume mesh number.

Object selection is described in detail in the section "Object Selection" of this chapter.

2) Select objects whose numbers are to be shown.

Select one object to display the number of a single object, or multiple objects to display multiple numbers at once. All the numbers are displayed when no objects are selected.

3) Choose "Show Numbers" item from menu.

The object numbers are displayed over the selected objects. If no objects are selected, all numbers are displayed.


<Examples of displayed numbers>

> Changing numbers

The object numbers can be altered individually by the following steps.


1) Press a corresponding object selection tool.

  2) Double click the object, the number of which is to be altered.

Depending on the object selection tool in action, dialog of "Node Info", "Element Info", and so on pops up as shown below.


3) Change the number text.


Edit the editable text and press key (Windows : key). The new number should be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to the total number of objects. The new number is assigned to the object, and the other objects are renumbered accordingly.

> Selecting an object by its number

An object can be selected by its number. When a selection tool is on, scrolling the object number using , , or key highlight the object with currently displayed number in the editable text item at the bottom of the tool palette. The highlighted object is included in the selection list.

< Scrolling the object number >