Basic User Interface > Viewing Control > Other functions related with view control


Other functions related to view control

There are a number of miscellaneous functions related with view control. Among them, only the functions included in menu are described here.

> Displaying control points of curves

While inputting or reshaping a curve, its control points are displayed. But, they are hidden under other states of modeling. In order to make control points visible all the time, choose "Show Control Points" item from menu. Then, the item changes into "Hide Control Points." In order to hide control points again, choose the item again.

> Making invisible nodes unselectable

The nodes on the backside of the model are hidden in the model image rendered by shading or wireframe mesh with hidden line removal . However, the hidden nodes on the backside of the scene are still selectable. It is sometimes convenient to make such nodes unselectable. Choose "Shut Invisible Node" item from menu in order to make such nodes unselectable. While this option is on, the menu item is checked. In order to release this option, uncheck the menu item by choosing it again. While this option is on, the speed of model rendering is slow.

> Making attribute assignments displayed

The assignments of various attributes, such as load conditions, boundary conditions and so on are displayed only when the assignment is going on and thus the corresponding dialog is on. It is sometimes necessary to make those assignments constantly displayed re g a rdless of the modeling state. This can be achieved by selecting the corresponding menu item from menu.

> Controlling the view using aerial view

While working with a complicated model, you may need to zoom in only a small part of the model to fill the screen, and want to control the view of the model as a whole. In such a case, the aerial view can be used as a convenient tool of controlling the view by the following steps:

1) Select "Aerial View" item from menu.

Then, "Aerial View" window appears on the screen, and the overview of the whole model is displayed on the "Aerial View" window.

The position and size of the window can be adjusted in the same way as the other window. The overall view of the model is always fit to the window regardless of the size and position of the window.

2) Drag the window bounding rectangle to pan the display of the model.

The window bounding rectangle represents the view range of the display on the main window. While the rectangle is being dragged, the view of the model pans continuously.

3) Choose "Show Numbers" item from menu.

The object numbers are displayed over the selected objects. If no objects are selected, all numbers are displayed.

Only element assigned with element property are numbered. Therefore, numbers will not be shown for elements without property assignment.

<The aerial view window and the image display in the main window >